
Enrolled Agent Exam National Association of Enrolled Agents

how many enrolled agents are there

However, they have a federal license and can represent a taxpayer in any state. They must abide by the specifications of the Treasury Department’s Circular 230, which provides the guidelines governing enrolled agents. Enrolled agents that have an NAEA membership are also subject to a code of ethics and rules of professional conduct. Some former IRS employees with five years of taxation experience may apply to become an enrolled agent without taking the exam. Non-exempt persons must take and pass the Special Enrollment Examination (SEE).

  • When you choose an enrolled agent, you know your preparer keeps up with the rules and regulations and will use this expertise to do the best job possible for you.
  • The National Taxpayer Advocate has identified the complexity of the tax code as the most serious problem facing taxpayers and the IRS alike.
  • Our team focuses on providing service, solutions, and success to each taxpayer.
  • The EA also greatly expands the number of services a tax preparer can offer to potential clients.
  • Each exam part may be taken 4 times per testing window, which runs from May 1 to the end of February.

Enrolled Agent status is the highest credential awarded by the IRS.[1] According to the National Association of Enrolled Agents, there are approximately 87,000 practicing EAs in the United States. Refer to Circular 230PDF, Sections 10.5(d)(1) and 10.51, for a complete explanation of the suitability requirements. There is a $259 fee per part paid at the time of appointment scheduling.

Enrolled Agent jobs by industry

You must apply for enrollment within one year of the date you passed the third examination part. These increased representation rights mean EAs are able to better serve all of their clients. Our staff is dedicated to helping each taxpayer find success navigating their taxes. We can help you arrange a how many enrolled agents are there payment plan with the IRS, or we can help you seek other forms of relief in the form of CNC status or innocent spouse relief. When considering what type of tax expert is right for your needs, though, things can get a bit complicated. From a CPA to an enrolled agent, there are many options to consider.

We’ve broken down the domains tested per part, the approximate number of questions per domain, and percent of the exam covered by each domain. Each of the three EA tests has 100 multiple-choice questions and a 3.5 hour testing time. The Enrolled Agent test is administered at Prometric testing centers, which are located in the US and internationally.

Once I have passed all three parts of the SEE how do I officially become an enrolled agent? (updated Oct. 27,

Read on to learn more about what an IRS enrolled agent does and how they can help you navigate your tax situation. The most common industries for enrolled agents are professional, technology and health care. EAs must also have or obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) from the IRS, but this is required of anyone who prepares or helps a taxpayer prepare a federal tax return.

  • We recommend sitting for Part 1 or 2 first because some of the content tested in Part 3 builds off of content tested in Parts 1 and 2.
  • With the exception of wedding and engagement rings and small stud earrings, jewelry is prohibited.
  • Enrolled agents, also known as EA’s, are tax professionals who are licensed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to represent taxpayers.
  • For more information about the process of becoming enrolled, check out my full article on how to become an EA.
  • The intervening months, March and April, are used to update the Enrolled Agent exam content.
  • Questions that contain the term “current year” refer to calendar year 2023.

Once you’ve passed the SEE, you have one year to apply for EA status. You’ll need to fill out some forms and pay a $140 enrollment fee, and then wait about 60 days for processing. An Enrolled Agent is authorized by the U.S. federal government to represent taxpayers before the IRS. The hiring of tax examiners is projected to decline 4% from 2020 to 2030 as the growth of the tax examiner industry is closely tied to changes in federal, state, and local government budgets. The growth of the enrolled agent industry depends on industry rule changes and the demand for tax services. However, there is a growing need for EAs in private and public accounting firms, law firms, corporations, local and state government agencies, and banks.